Las Vegas Valley Water District Investor Relations

Issuer Overview
Las Vegas Valley Water District Investor Relations

Issuer Type: Water / Sewer


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Issuer Overview
Las Vegas Valley Water District Investor Relations

Issuer Type: Water / Sewer


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

May 4, 2017 - User Image

On behalf of the Las Vegas Valley Water District, I want to thank you for your interest in the Water District, its capital improvement program, and financing program. The capital program is critical to enhancing the infrastructure of the Las Vegas Valley. Bonds are used to improve and update Water District transmission and distribution pipelines, pumping stations, reservoirs, and treatment facilities.

Our current bond ratings are exemplary and we are devoted to maintaining those current levels. We are also committed to being transparent with the investor community and this dedicated investor website speaks to that commitment.

I hope you find this website helpful as you seek to better understand the credit fundamentals of the Las Vegas Valley Water District.

Thanks again for your interest in our financing program.

Kevin Bethel, Chief Financial Officer